
Denvention 1 Report by Rustebar (aka Rusty Hevelin)

When now-longtime fan Rusty Hevelin was 19, he attended Denvention 1 in 1941 and pubbed his report in an twiltone fanzine sometime thereafter. Recently, someone found a copy of it and sent it to Rusty. Gay Haldeman kindly scanned it to share. Rusty went on to be a longtime huckster and was the Fan GoH at Denvention 2 in 1981. He'll be a Hugo presenter for Denvention 3.

So what went on at Denvention 1? Beyond smokes, cokes and softball? (softball? at a Worldcon?) Find out who won the costume party (you've probably seen the person who won third place at a recent Worldcon) and where the 1942 Worldcon was supposed to have been. Plenty of Robert Heinlein and Art Widner references in this con report.

If you run Firefox, right-click on the graphic and select the "View Image" option to display the scan in its own browser window; click again to enlarge the image.

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