
Message from the Chair

Kent Bloom

Hello, Denvention 3 members and prospective members. We're getting closer and closer to the convention, and the excitement is building. This progress report is full of information you will want to read. You can find out about what we're planning here, and who you can contact for more information if you want to participate in specific activities

We’ve been spending some time in downtown Denver. There’s a lot going on there, from Coors Field and the Rockies (who didn’t quite win the World Series last year, but we have great expectations for this year), to the Colorado State Capitol and the Denver Mint. The area east of the Colorado Convention Center is full of places to eat and shop. Even in February, the area was full of activity day and night. Plus the rest of Denver, the State of Colorado, and the Rocky Mountains are a wonderful place to vacation both before and after the convention.

The Hugos are your awards, so be sure to vote if you are a member and send in your choices before the deadline. The awards will be presented in a ceremony on Saturday night of Denvention 3, and are the highlight of the convention.

The 2010 Worldcon Site Selection ballot for selecting the location of the 68th World Science Fiction Convention may also be found in this progress report. Voting in the Site Selection requires that you pay a fee that makes you a supporting (non-attending) member of the 68th Worldcon. It also entitles you to become an attending member at the lowest rate. This is usually the least expensive way to join a Worldcon.

I would like to take a moment to thank all our staff and volunteers, who have done so much work already and will continue to do so much to insure that Denvention 3 is a success. Worldcon is probably the second largest all-volunteer organized convention this year (I understand the National Square Dance Convention is expected to be larger). It takes a great effort to put on something as complex as Worldcon, and I’m very proud to be associated with all of you. If you haven’t already volunteered, it’s not too late to help out. It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests, as well as contribute to the science fiction community and to Worldcon. Many hands make light work, and it’s fun, too.

Don’t forget that this year’s Worldcon is earlier than usual, and starts on Wednesday, August 6th It will run through Sunday, August 10th. I’m really looking forward to seeing many of you then, A Mile Closer to the Stars, in Denver.