
Message from the Chair

Kent Bloom

Hello, Denvention 3 members.

Progress Report Four is mostly concerned with things we think you need to know about Denvention 3 before your arrival. We have included information about getting to the convention and some travel and health tips I think you should pay careful attention to, especially if you do not live in an arid location. Please take it a bit more slowly than usual, and keep hydrated.

Also, please do not forget that Denvention 3 starts on Wednesday, August 6th, and ends on Sunday, August 10th, earlier in the week and earlier in the summer than many previous Worldcons.

Our committee is very busy putting together this Worldcon. This is a volunteer effort, and we can always use more help, both before and during the convention. To volunteer, fill out the volunteer form. Volunteering is one of the best ways to enjoy a Worldcon.