
Nippon 2007 WSFS Business Meeting Report

Kevin Standlee

The World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) is governed by its Constitution and Standing Rules, which may be found at The 2007 WSFS Business Meeting took the following actions during Nippon 2007, this year's Worldcon in Yokohama, Japan:

These two constitutional amendments will be forwarded to Denvention 3 for ratification.

The Business Meeting also reappointed various WSFS committees, adopted a number of technical proposals from those committees, and received financial reports from past Worldcons and NASFiCs, including a report from the Nippon 2007 committee. The Business Meeting on Sunday confirmed the results of the Site Selection elections and announced Anticipation in Montréal as the 2009 Worldcon.

Montréal Wins 2009 Worldcon Site Selection

Montréal has won the right to host the 67th Annual World Science Fiction Convention. "Anticipation" will take place August 6 -10, 2009 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal convention centre in downtown Montréal in la belle province ("the beautiful province") of Quebec, Canada.

The Guests of Honour will be Neil Gaiman (GoH), Elisabeth Vonarburg (Invitée d'honneur), Taral Wayne, (Fan GoH), David Hartwell (Editor GoH), and Tom Doherty (Publisher GoH). Julie Czerneda will act as Master of Ceremonies.

A full schedule of the convention's membership rates, including discounts for voters and pre-supporters, is available on their Web site. Current rates will be valid until December 31, 2007. Inquiries may be sent to Information.

A total of 902 members of Nippon 2007 voted in the site selection election. Montreal won on the first ballot. Site Selection Administrator Tim Szczesuil provided the detailed results as follows:

Kansas City221126147341
Write In Votes
Monster Island20237
Brighton on the Green Line10001
Minneapolis in '7311002
Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky10001
Spuzzum, B.C.00011
Peggy Rae's House10001
None of the Above1223320
No Preference/Blank/Ineligible1313219
Total Ballots Cast48141199181902
Needed to Elect (majority)442

Kansas City in 2009

The Kansas City in 2009 Bid Committee would like to congratulate Anticipation on their winning the privilege of hosting the 67th World Science Fiction Convention in Montréal. Bidding for a WorldCon is a long and sometimes arduous process, but having so many friends as part of the friendly competition made it much easier.

We would also like to thank everyone who supported our bid, especially those who chose to become Friends of the Library and Patrons. Your generosity was vital to our efforts over the past two years. Our biggest regret is that we were unable to reward your confidence in us with a WorldCon.

The committee will be holding a "thank you" party at Denvention, and we look forward to seeing you all there for one last K.C. Party. Thanks again to everyone.