
Opening Day Festivities

Mary Morman

Denvention 3 Programming will start with a bang at 11:30 am on Wednesday. Don't think Wednesday is a throw-away day with a few dreary panels and minor activities! We'll be running items such as "What Makes a Writer?," "Giant Monster Movies," "Writers as Readers," "Science Fiction as a Tool for Social Change," "Artificial Intelligence," "2008: The Science Fiction Year in Review," "The Greatest Villains of SF," and a panel on Quantum Computers.

There will be a Rick Sternbach slide show on his work in creating the sets for the original Star Trek, and a biographical presentation and slideshow on Anne McCaffrey. We'll talk about how cover art influences the SF marketplace and about the viability of older protagonists over sweet young things and husky hunks. Who will be doing the talking? Charles Brown, Connie Willis, Courtney "Dr. Science" Willis, David Brin, Elizabeth Moon, Frank Wu, George R. R. Martin, James Patrick Kelly, John Picacio, Kathy Mar, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Larry Niven, L. E. Modesitt, Jr., Lois McMaster Bujold, Rick Sternbach, Tom Whitmore, Wil McCarthy, and many others.

Don't write off Wednesday as a "nothing's happening" day — it's the first fifth of the Denvention 3 adventure, and you won't want to miss it! And all that is happening before his Imperial Majesty Gregor Vorbarra invites you and other diplomats from all over the galaxy to his Summerfair Reception at the Colorado Convention Center, immediately following Opening Ceremonies (which start at 5:30 pm).

Plan to arrive in time to dive into the con activites late Wednesday morning.