(The prof warned you.  He
told you to send in stories
or I'd stick in more of my
stories.  C'mon, let's send
those stories in. *JM)


by John Merkel

(For the first time anywhere!
C., H. & E. Atures.)

"Please help me. I'm cold and can remember nothing but words."

The man found the girl laying in the snow with her body completely frozen. The note lay a few feet from her. A thin blanket was the only protection she had from the cold.

In her left hand was a small chalice. In the bottom was frozen some kind of liquid.

He carried her to his office-house and into the main room. "Ah, Cagli, you finally decided to put in an appearance. Might one ask what took you so long?"

A paunchy man waved a glass at the newcomer. The third man, thin and pale-faced, smiled thinly. "Welcome, brother. What have you brought?"

Cagli Atures laid his burden on the table. "I found her outside. She is frozen solid."

"So?" The paunchy man moved over to the table.

"Do you think you'll do any good?" The thin man looked doubtful.

"Erinus Atures never fails. While I bring her out of it, Radnid, you see what is in the chalice." The paunchy man handed the cup to his brother.

Cagliostro Atures opened a drawer of his desk and brought out a murky cube. "She lives down the road," he announced, peering into the mist.

Erinus Atures let the note float downward. "West, the direction of Death. I can do nothing for her."

Radnid Atures came back into the room. "The chemical is one that obliterates any recollections of people. I've never seen it before."

"Brothers, a challenge lies before us. What say you?" Cagli looked to his brothers for their decisions.

"What needs to be said?" Radnid placed his hat on his head.

"Miserable weather." Erinus tied a scarf around his neck.

"It is decided." Cagli placed his gloves on and stepped to the door.

"Chalice up, into the air fly; return to the place where you last did lie."


"We've done it. Now that the Countess is out of the way, her estate and her fortune are ours." Two men faced each other across a table.

"No longer will we have to worry about paying her back. As her guardians, we inherit the entire estate."

"But at what a cost! The little wench took one of my three black chalices. Ruined a perfectly marvelous set!"

"Well, you've got a fortune now. Quit complaining. You can get other collections." The second man struck a match to light his cigarette.

"Thank you. I left mine at home." Radnid Atures took the match and lit his pipe. "Awfully cold out. Nothing like a pipe to warm a man's bones."

"Henry! How did he get in here?" The first man clutched his partner's arm.

"I don't know, Arthur, but you're wrinkling my jacket." Henry shook off his partner's arm.

"He could have come down the chimney. It warms you up a bit." Cagli Atures strode out of the fireplace, in spite of the fact that a fire was blazing in it.

"Hmph! What a couple of panty waists I have for brothers. I enjoy a winter stroll in the country." Erinus came in through the patio doors.

The partners stood up and backed against the wall. "Who are you?" shouted Arthur. "What do you want?"

"Actually, we've come to talk to you. You see, a girl was found frozen to death just outside our office." Cagli sat down on the desk.

"Frozen," repeated Erinus. "Couldn't take the weather."

Radnid perched on the mantel. "Awfully untidy to leave bodies laying around outside the office. Discourages customers." He gave a grin. "We dropped her off at the constabulary on the way over."

"Just a social call, you understand," said Erinus. "Thought we might have a little chat."

Arthur and Henry were dazed. "Of course," said Henry. "What did you want to chat about?"

"The Countess." Cagli held up a picture of the girl. "We think you might like to tell the police why she was out in the cold with only a ragged blanket on."

"Or would you like to take a walk with me in the country?" Erinus opened the patio doors. "Dressed as the young lady was, of course."

"No, No!" said Arthur.

"Nonsense. We didn't do anything to her," said Henry.

Radnid raised a beaker off the mantel. "Would you like a glass of this? The girl had some."

"Winter walks are good for you," said Erinus.

"But you wouldn't want to walk too far," said Radnid. "You might come back looking like this."

"Ee-yah! A skeleton!" Both men screamed and ran out the door.


"Blimey!" One walker commented to his two companions. "You'd think people would be smart enough to dress for the weather."

One man adjusted his hat. "Either that or not lay down in the path." The threesome stepped over the two frozen shapes and continued on their way.

[pp. 12 - 15, concluded on pg. 11, THE UNKNOWN (UX?) #1, Spring 1965]

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