Operation Fantast

Editor: Capt. K. F. Slater
13 G.P. R.P.C., B.A.O.R., 23,
c/o G.P.O., England

Librarian: M. Tealby, Esq.,
8, Burfield Avenue,
Lougsborough, Leics.

U.S.A. Representatives:
Philip J. Rasch,
712 W. 112th St.,
Los Angeles, 44, California

John E. Kostner,
2124 Rene Ct.,
Brooklyn, 27, N.Y.

Bob Farnham,
1139 E. 44th St.,
Chicago, 15, Ill.


Published quarterly,

March, June, September and December

Single issues: 7d. or 15 cents, post free

Subscription rates:
6 issues; 3/- or 75 cents.

Advertising rates quotes on
application to the Editor.


The voting on issue 2 was a little better, a total of 62 votes came in. So far, only 39 have been received on issue 3, although many more "Order Forms" than that were returned. Some folks just couldn't make up their minds which item was the worst? Please let's have YOUR opinion THIS time.

A couple of suggestions have come into our editorial "office" that are worthy of consideration, and as this is your magazine, they are being passed on for your comment. The first is that some of the better material published in the duplicated O.F. be republished in the more lasting print format. Is there anything you would like to see reprinted?

The second idea was from G. R. Kay, who suggests that a set of "Fantasy Postcards" be printed from drawings by British fans, similar to those issued by the Perri Press. We haven't explored the costs yet, but we'd like fan artist to send in a few samples, and we'd like to hear from folks who would consider purchasing sets. Then there is a similar note about a British Fan Art Folio. The snag with printing such things is that either there must be a good market, or else the individual price is exorbitant. So let's have your comments, and we'll see what can be done.

You will note that we've dropped most of O.F.'s own advertising from this issue, and duplicated lists of stock have gone to British subscribers only. If any O-seas subscribers want to be included among folk who get the magazine lists, please let us know. But by doing this we can give you more space for actual reading matter. Even so, a pretty good article by Cyril A. Harper was squeezed out; it will be in the next issue, as will a new 3,000 word tale by Cedric Walker, titled "The Last Straw." This, we think, will have a more general appeal than did Cedric's "Survival" and "Heritage."

It is a bit late to wish you a prosperous NEW YEAR, but as the financial new year is not far off, let us wish you instead . . . small Income Tax Returns!

Joyce and Ken Slater


Dell Beaker..................................................24 votes
Charles Duncombe......................................19 "
P. J. Ridley....................................................5 "
Ron T. Deacon..............................................5 "
Ken F. Slater (Science Review)....................5 "
Lawrence Sandfield......................................5 "
Kirby Frazier.................................................1 "

.................................................................... 62

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated June 29, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.