
Invest a few dollars
in your health!

Let your Sign of the Zodiac guide you to better health and added
mental vigor! Send today for your trial size bottle of . . . . . . . . . .


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A special
Tablet is
for you!

Tablet.........Zodiac sign

1. cali fos - Taurus
2.nutum sulf - Gemini
3.cali mur - Cancer - Leo
5.Mag Fos - Virgo
6.Cali sulf - Libra
7.nutum fos - Scorpio
8.Cal sulf - Sagitarrius
9.silica - Capricorn
10.Cal phos - Aquarius
11.Nutum Moor - Pices
12.Fer-fos - Aries

If you were not born under
one of these signs send for

13. Guk - Sign of the
................Flying Red

# Scientific Evidence shows a definite relationship exists
betwen the stars and the organs in your body...............

# Astroslush Capsules are scientifically prepared cell slush.
Each specific capsule contains slush corresponding to ..
one of the Signs of the Zodiac.........................................

When your body is run down and beat up your cell tissues are
all soggy and wrinkled. Astroslush cell slush makes your .....
cells firm and round and smooth. Each individual cell fills ..
out and develops according to your Zodiac sign. ....................

Don't delay! Send today for Astroslush Tablets -- ............
available only from Astro-Bio-Psycho-Chemo-Dianetico-
Cyberno-Semantico-Physiologicoisticompany! .................


Check your ruling sign - then send $5 to the editor of this
magazine. In return mail you will receive your first lesson
in the fine art of getting rich quick ....................................

The St Charles Lobby ....... an original art masterpiece by Jack Speer drawn exclusively
...........................................for Quandry and squeezed into this space by yed ..................


er - we weren't able to squeeze it in after all, without redrawing it, so you'll just have to wait
until next issue. To compensate for the delay we bring you a poem ...


Little Miss Muffett
Decided to rough it
In a cabin quite quaint
And medieval.

Along came a logger
Who plied her with cider
And now she's
The Forest's prime evil

FANatic # is out! Don't miss this best ish yet,
inaugerating a printed cover and new large size.
Only 10¢ from Bobby Pope,
SW Hill & Hanover Sts. Charleston, S.C.
6/50 ¢ 3/ English promag.
Servicemen free upon a written request. -adv.

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated September 27, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.