

In the distant realm of the Cosmos,
Where the alien suns revolve
What human intellect knows
What human mind can solve
The Wonders that it shows?

The looping strands of time
Have wove a permanent bed
In space, to perpetuate, eternity's rhyme
By the sun of Sirius the red
The midget world of fire.

Endless, Airless Boundaries
Spotted everywhere
By spheres of white and blue
And planets, lands, and seas
Form jewelets in this shroud of darkened hue.

To pass those ways unheard
Man must discover and invent.
He must be first to choose a route with an urgent word,
As if Satan's wings were lent
He will pierce the blazing depths.

To prosper civilization,
Two things must maintain:
Transportation and Communication
He must cease his wars to gain,
Eternal Victory!


FANS! It's up to you to fill up this department each month --- we want to have in the future at least two pages of letters each issue, and perhaps even more. Of course, we can't publish letters of criticism this time, for the simple reason that there wasn't any SPACEWAYS to criticize up until now. However, here are a few typical comments on our announcement of the magazine:

AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG: "here's wishing you luck with SPACEWAYS ...."
ROBERT O. ERISMAN --- Editor of MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES: I was glad to hear about your magazine .... and here's wishing you lots of good luck with SPACEWAYS."
JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR., Editor of ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION: "... I'll be glad to help where and when I can, if what I can do would genuinely be of assistance."
LARRY B. FARSACI: "Here's well wishes for the SPACEWAYS!"
WALTER E. MARCONETTE: "... my very best wishes on your new venture."
FORREST J ACKERMAN: "... All the best luck with SPACEWAYS!"
JACK WILLIAMSON: "Here's the best of luck to your new venture, with SPACEWAYS -- which is, I think, a nice name for it."
ERIC FRANK RUSSELL: "Best of luck!"
FREDERIK POHL: ".... if I can be of any assistance, don't hesitate to call on me."
DALE HART: "Luck!"
E. E. SMITH: "Luck!"

And many, many others!!

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated June 23, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.