
Charles Burbee



US: Garden Grove CA

New issues will be listed in bold.

Issue Month Year Pages Mailing Notes
Burblings 2 February 1948 6 FAPA 42
Burblings 3 June 1948 14 FAPA 43 postmailing
Burblings November 1948 November 1948 4 FAPA 43 combined with Fandango (F.T. Laney)
Burblings January 1949 January 1949 16 FAPA 46 combined with Fantasy Amateur 1 (L.R. Chauvenet and Al Ashley)
Burblings July 1954 July 1954 20 FAPA 68 combined with Dream Quest, etc
Burblings February 1959 February 1959 20 FAPA 89 combined with Elmurmurings (Elmer Purdue)
Burblings 8.5 February 1960 2 FAPA 90
Burblings A November 1972 November 1972 2 FAPA 141
Burblings February 1986 February 1986 10 FAPA 194

Scanned by Rob Hansen

Updated November 17, 2023. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.