
Weapons Policy

No weapons, whether edged or projectile firing or replicas thereof, may be carried in any part of the convention. The convention reserves the right to decide what constitutes a weapon. If anyone is found with a weapon, real or replica, individuals will be given one (1) opportunity to take said weapons offsite, to their room or to their vehicle. Be aware that the Committee reserves the right to impound these for the duration of the convention should individuals not have anywhere to store weapons. Failure to put a weapon away offsite, in a room or a vehicle, or to surrender a weapon for impounding is grounds for revocation of membership without refund and expulsion from the convention.


The Masquerade Director must approve the use of a weapon during the Masquerade. These must be wrapped when being transported to and from the Masquerade rehearsal and the Masquerade proper. The Masquerade Director must be informed in advance of any weapons being used and must approve all such uses. It is possible that costumers may have to demonstrate that they understand the appropriate safe use of any weapons planned for their presentation and refusal to do so could lead to disqualification if, in the Masquerade Director's opinion, the unrehearsed use could have endangered members of the convention, whether in the audience, backstage or on stage.


Weapons sold in the Dealers' Room must be wrapped by the dealer and taken away by the purchaser. They may not be unwrapped until off site or in a private room or a private vehicle. Dealers must make customers aware of the need to keep weapons wrapped whilst in transit to an off-site location, room or vehicle.